Save Internet Radio: You made have heard of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). It is a law passed by Bill Clinton that is intended to address copyright issues as they are affected by new technologies. I am ashamed to say I know little about it, other than everyone I know who does know about it thinks it is apocalyptically bad. Why am I ashamed? Well just about everything I do in my life hinges on copyrights and intellectual property rights to some extent, so I probably should have some familiarity with it. I intend to get hip on it and possibly write a bit about it once I do.
This was all prompted by a message from Gary O., who pointed me to Save Internet Radio. Apparently many folks think that a recent royalty arbitration decision under the DMCA by the Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel (CARP) is likely to price many small internet radio broadcasters off the air. That would be bad. Not just because I like internet radio, but also it plays into the hands of outfits like Clear Channel that are pretty much bleeding music radio of any vitality (see my previous post Turn It Off).
Like I said, I'm going to try to look deeper into this before I go off half-cocked. I'll let you know what I find.