I'm Ready For My Profile: As I said before, the profile of yours truly in the Community Observer is out. It's quite good. Very sharply written given the space constraints. I had interviewed with the writer, Kate Kellog, for over an hour, I think. She asked excellent questions, the kind that I had to think about before I answered. Clearly, she knew what she was doing. Also clearly, she ended up having to distill all that down to what can't be much more than 300 words, and she did it extremely well - not a wasted word. It's interesting to see what sort of compromises are made in the course of journalism (especially considering how down I have been on the press lately). If I can find it on-line I'll link it up - or maybe digitize it.
On the other hand, in the same issue there is a big multi-page feature about a local man known as "Harvey" who seems to have made a life out of photographing naked people in front of local businesses. Ah, well.