The Longest Fifteen Minutes: Well, Monica Lewinsky, a woman whose only notable accomplishment has been accomodating illegal Cubans, has been all over the the media lately. She was intereviewed by Wierd Larry King. She had her own Undercover Special on HBO. Interestingly, her HBO special came on right after the season premiere of Six Feet Under. One has to wonder whether there is any intersection between the audiences for the two shows. On the other hand, it appeared in a time slot that is usually occupied by OZ, which is probably the only show on TV that could match its quotient of grotesquery. (See my review of HBO Original Programming for details.) All right, I admit I'm guessing at that since I didn't watch. But really, you don't have to see the trash to know it stinks.
In other White Trash News, Amy Fisher had to bow out of her scheduled boxing match with Tonya Harding - parole violation concerns and so forth. So they just moved down the sleezebag ladder and dredged up Paula Jones, who apparently is unconcerned about that expensive nosejob. I would point out that I am not making this up, but I do that so often, why would you think otherwise. All they need to do is bring Bill Clinton in to referee. Imagine the quid pro quo.