I wholeheartedly disagreed with your review of LOTR. Call me a geek or whatever, but I absolutely adored that movie! Bob and I saw it 3 times! And I have to tell you that I would rather see it a fourth time than see either Spiderman or Attack of the Clowns, sorry, Clones a second time! I hadn't read the book until after the movie and I have to say that seeing the movie helped me get through the book. But I did read the Hobbit a long long time ago. I don't know if that was enough of a background to get me into this movie or not. But whatever, I have told you how I feel, and now I feel better...From TAD Chrissy that's the equivalent of a flame. Hmmm. Had anyone else written that I would probably suspect a head trauma, but since it's Chrissy I'm going to have to give LotR another try.
Monday, July 22, 2002
We Get Letters - I: I was expecting flame mail over my trashing of Lord of the Rings. Instead, I got a kindly worded comment from The Always Delightful Chrissy.