Weekly Reader: I'm thinking of altering my site updates to once a week. This doesn't mean I'll be posting less material, just less often. The main reason for this is that it will allow me to focus my time better. Rather than come home and only be able to devote a few minutes to everything, I'll be able to focus more extended periods to specific tasks. For example, as it stands, I typically come home, try to do some chores, gather some site material, and write fiction. If it's a workout day, you got throw that in too. So in the interest of more useful time management, I'm thinking of cutting down the frequency of tasks and upping the time devoted to each on any given evening. (I know the assorted minutiae of my life must be fascinating.)
Another advantage to the plan is that it would allow me to post with regularity. As it stands I post every two or three days, with no exact pattern. It's possible that if I were to post, say, every Sunday night without fail, I might be able to build some habitual Monday morning readership - rather than having folks check in randomly and only maybe getting an update. I don't know. I haven't made a final decision yet, so if you have strong feelings please speak up.