Fat Is Phat: Anyone who's paid attention to health issues since, oh, forever, knows that what's bad for you this year will be good for you next year. I consider myself to be very healthy and not just for my age (apart from the aforementioned vicious cold) - I have never smoked, I am only addicted to caffeine, I workout like a demon - my only vice is that I eat WAY too much junk food. The thing is, I've been around long enough to see that what everyone snootily declares as unhealthy now, may be what we should have been eating all along. At one point, the key to long life was a carb-heavy, low-fat diet. Now, there's a cadre of folks who believe you should count carbs, not calories. Steak was once a killer, but according to this, things seem to be changing again. Until they come up with a study to show Taco Bell is the key to longevity, I will continue to file the Grand Philosophies of Diet under "W" for Whatever.