Mail Travails: The mail account I use for this site - - used to be a freebie I got as a benefit for having an Amex card. No more. Amex isn't sponsoring it anymore so the folks at are going to charge me thirty bucks a year to keep my free account. It's a shame. I love that account because the spam in minimal and I could reach it from any browser anywhere, and if I got fired or changed ISP I still had it. So, as a result, it has become my main e-mail face to the world so, as a further result, I am over a barrel as far as letting it go.
I paid the fee. On the one hand, it chafes me, and I blame Amex for ditching out on the sponsorship. On the other hand, if it's so useful, I really can't complain about thirty bucks a year. I spend more than that on Diet Coke every week.
The other issue is my hotmail account. The only place I use that is on, and it gets easily 100-150 spams a week. So I think I'm going to axe that one and maybe try a Lycos account. Suggestions for quality web mail services are welcome.