Thursday, February 07, 2002

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?: I have not forsaken thee. Get this: last night I did not get on the Web. Not at all. That's the first time that has happened in weeks. I was swamped all day at work, my office was freezing - I despise automatic climate control - and after my workout I spent the evening working on query letters. Unpleasant, but it had to be done. I'll be back to posting my usual nonsense by tomorrow.

Don't Touch That Dial: I think my next feature will be a extended review/analysis of HBO's original programming - specifically The Sopranos, Sex in The City, OZ and Six Feet Under. These shows are winning all types of awards and I've been catching some of them in re-runs. Naturally, an opinionated person like yours truly can't let all the hype pass without commenting. I will say up front that an HBO show from years ago, The Larry Sanders Show, was one of the two funniest sitcoms ever (along with Seinfeld) and it's going to be tough for these new shows to measure up to that. I wish they'd re-run Larry Sanders.

Caveat Taxpayer: This from the Michigan Dept. of Treasury:
Special Alert to the Public

The Michigan Department of Treasury recently received an alert from the Internal Revenue Service about a fraudulent scam being conducted via E mail that you should be on the look out for:

Some taxpayers have received an e mail from a non-IRS source indicating that the taxpayer is under audit and needs to complete a questionnaire within 48 hours to avoid The assessment of penalties and interest. The e mail refers to an "e-audit" and references IRS form 1040. The taxpayer is asked for social security numbers, bank account numbers and other confidential information. THE IRS DOES NOT CONDUCT E-AUDITS, NOR DOES IT NOTIFY TAXPAYERS OF A PENDING AUDIT VIA E-MAIL. THIS E MAIL IS NOT FROM THE IRS. Do not provide the requested information - this may be an identity-theft attempt.

If you receive an e mail of this nature - the source may be the address, please contact the Internal Revenue Service office in your area.
In case you didn't know already, trust NOTHING you get via unsolicitied email.