For the bulk of February I had a sort of low-level chest/head cold that I couldn't seem to shake. Toward the end of the month I was hit with a general nausea that also lingered for quite a few days. Not sure what is going on with me. All this didn't stop me from doing anything really, but it did stop me from enjoying it.
I have now taken the snow blower out four times. I don't remember taking it out more than that last year, but it remains a blissfully warm winter by comparison the last couple of years. I ran in shorts in early December and again at the end of February. We've had a handful of days here in February that lurched in the 50s. Thank you El Nino. Feel free to stay a while. Although I suspect the nice, mild, only-need-A/C-twice-all-season summers we've had the past couple fo years may be in danger. Could be a scorcher.
Progress remains slow in my latest book project. It's always slow though, isn't it? I keep going, however, and recently turned a corner on a tough chapter I've been struggling with for a while. This is really the first time I've tried to write entirely via keyboard and it's not really working too well. Previously I was the guy at the local library or coffee shop, slouched into a chair scribbling on a big yellow pad. Things got in the computer on first revision. I think I'm going to go back to that. Although, what I am writing now is new to me and heavily plot dependent. I'm learning how to weave a complicated plot, but it's rough work.
[TV] Ex-Files
[TV] Got Milch?
[Rant] Sore Sorority
[Tech] State of Tech