A trio of things that have caught me eye in my Web meanderings.
This is a good final summary of what happened to Malaysia flight 360, if you happen to remember the flight that just vanished into thin air years ago and dominated the news cycle. The flight simulator evidence seems particularly conclusive.
The founding of Dungeons and Dragons is a story rife with controversies and varying interpretations. This article brought me back to those painful years before being a nerd had any cache. It also contains what is perhaps the single most deadpan sentence ever written: "One day, he was flipping through a copy of a neighbor's Playboy magazine when he saw something that captivated his 13-year-old imagination: an advertisement for board games."
An examination of the religious beliefs of Peter Theil by David Perell, who has never met or communicated with him. Thiel is a PayPal founder and Facebook big wig, among other things. He is a very influential intellectual, heavily responsible for the elevation of the philosophies of Rene Girard in current big brain circles. I've found him more of a communicator of ideas rather than a discoverer but, in the words of Jacobim Mugatu, he's so hot right now.