Going into my 58th summer, I find my interests starting to change. Not to bore you by writing about running, but I have spent the last few years measuring the time by always having another race or such on my schedule. I even planned my vacations around interesting races I saw around the country. Now I find I am less enthusiastic about getting up at 6am on what would otherwise be a precious sleep in day and dropping $50 only to discover how much slower I am than in the past. I already have more race t-shirts and finishers medals than I know what to do with. I think I'm going to scale that back this year. As you age, you should spend more time weight training anyway.
Two book reviews this week, neither of which I recommend. (How's that for encouraging you to read on?) But it's good that I am reading again. Reading is another pastime that has waned as I have aged. Same with movies -- I have so very little interest in new movies I think for the same reason. As time goes by ever faster I find the cost of wasting a couple of hours on a bad movie or a couple of days on a bad book has risen. It is a disincentive to seeking new things.
Speaking of movies, Endgame came out. Although I likely won't see it until it hits Amazon, I may get desperate enough to see it in the theatre, but not until the crowds die off. Evidently having a good pee strategy is key. At that point I'm sure I'll give you another post about the symbolic significance of Marvel book-ending my adulthood (such as it is).
[Books] Book Look: Voyage to Arcturus
[Books] Book Look: The Courage to be Disliked
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