Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More Lousy New Stuff: TV stinks to high heaven at the moment.
  • House has gotten so ludicrous that Hugh Laurie can’t even save it.
  • HBO's Rome has stared its second season and it is dreadful and dire. It needs to be cancelled before it turns into Oz or worse. They have even ruined Pullo and Vorenus.
  • I gave in to the hype and watched the season premiere of 24 which was unspeakably bad. Really, one of the worst pieces of drama I have ever seen.
  • I almost got sucked into Ricky Gervais' Extras which is good for a guffaw or two. It adheres to the current fashion in comedy -- the Humor of Awkward Discomfort (you can include Curb Your Enthusiasm and Borat in that too), which I find trying after a couple of episodes. I may continue to tune in for the celebrity cameos, which are a stitch.
  • No more NFL. (When do two-a-days start?)

So now what? Well, let's see, The Sopranos last eight episodes come April. Not much until then. Lucky I have all those movie channels otherwise I might have to do something worthwhile with my time until then.

Next month, I promise to cut down on the film and video and maybe offer a couple of comments on what I have been reading.