Friday, January 06, 2023

The Month That Was - December 2022

"What have we learned, Palmer?" That quote is far too obscure to expect anyone to know it.  It's from an underappreciated Coen Bros. film, Burn After Reading.  After a movie's worth of dysfunctional and absurd madness ends, J. K. Simmons asks that of his underling. He answers his own question with, "I guess we learned not to do it again.  I'm f*cked if I know what we did."

Last year at this time I was just getting over a horrendous bout with Covid, I had hung on to my job by the skin of my teeth, and was diagnosed with arthritis.  This year I'm doing better.  I have found some security, and even advancement, at work, albeit with a good deal more day to day stress. So with the absurd madness of Covid and career upheaval in the past, I can only think to ask myself, "What have we learned, Palmer?"  Sadly my answer is the same as J.K. Simmons'. 

As always I continue to fall back on the same two New Year's Resolutions:

  1. Enhance and enrich the lives of people I care about.

  2. Fight sloth (the Deadly Sin, not the adorable forest creature).

I've done well on (1).  I bought a house in Savannah to facilitate my dejure step-daughter's education. Also, I was able to see my assistance to a beloved friend pay off in her getting her Master's Degree and relocating to Arizona with a comfy job.  (2) remains a never-ending battle.

[Rant, Travel] Hertz Hurts

[TV] Toob Notes

[Roaring 20s] Roaring 20s 2.0 Follow Up