Cellular Groan: Not to start off on a bad note but I just witnessed a new low in manners. It's one thing to take a conspicuous cell phone call in a public place. It's quite another to do it on speakerphone. In the locker room at my health club -- very crowded -- some guy was sitting on one of the benches getting dressed while taking a call on speakerphone. Folks are trying to have conversations, watch the TV, or do whatever, and here he is carrying on about this or that holding a two-way conversation loud enough to interfere with anything else. An absolutely stunning display of oblivious self-regard. Apparently the conversation couldn't wait until he put his shoes on and one of his hands freed up to hold the phone to his ear, which would have been obnoxious enough. If there is any justice, this guy will be unable to get a signal in Hell when the time comes. Ye gods, what a douchebag.
I have since been debating what to say to the guy if he ever does it again. "Ye gods, what a douchebag," is not appropriately subtle. I may just inject myself into his now public phone conversation. Suggestions are welcome.
And while we're on the topic, PC World just did a handy comparison of smartphones and their all-access plans. People (supposedly adults) pay anywhere from $130 to $160 per month so they can twitter their facebooks while driving. That's more than I dish out for my T-mobile pay-as-you-go plan in a year. Makes me wonder how many people defaulting on their mortgages have an iPhone.