Tuesday, May 09, 2023

The Month That Was - April 2023

I'm thinking I might need to start another writing project.  I don't have five minutes to spare in the day of late, but still I find myself feeling like I need to write more.  I am, in fact, running out of time in life, not just the day, but that's a different topic.  I had intended to not start another manuscript until I retired, because I am busier these days than I have ever been.  But there is definitely a hole where I would normally be thinking about writing.  I have to keep in mind that even if I can only work on the project for an hour or two a week, it will be progress for when I can get to it full time.  I have two separate concepts for novels that I want to pursue and there will be no harm in laying the groundwork or sketching outlines.  Maybe I can actually get some of the early throw-away work done.

[Travel] Swiftly to Atlanta

[Rant] RIP Portland

[Roaring 20s] Roaring 20s 2.0, The Weirdness is Now